
心有靈犀一路通 【参】


史上最牛癡情漢,喬治亞畫家Niko Pirosmani,傾家蕩產為求佳人一笑,其浪漫事蹟收錄在俄羅斯天后Alla Pugacheva 83年發行名曲Миллион алых роз (百萬紅玫瑰)中,此調在東北亞廣為流傳。

韓國版【壹】 韓國版【貳】

日本版【壹】 日本版【貳】



There once was an artist
He had a house and his canvases
But he loved an actress
One who loved flowers
So he sold his house
Sold his paintings and the roof over his head
And with all the money
Bought a whole sea of flowers
A million, a million, a million crimson roses

From the window, the window the window you see
He who's in love, in love, in earnest
Turned his life into flowers for you
In the morning you will stand-up in the window
Maybe you've lost your mind?
Like the continuation of a dream
The square is filled with flowers
Your soul trembles
What millionaire is playing this trick?
But below the window, just breathing
The poor artist stands

The meeting was short
In the night a train took her away
But in her life there had been
A mad song of roses
The artist lived on alone
He endured many hardships
But in his life there had been
A square full of flowers



jim said...

orz... 一聽就耳多中毒了...

行初 said...
